Saturday, June 16, 2007

Doesn't Jerry Buss look like Frank Costanza?

Geez, I thought this story was dead. Maybe it is, and the only reason it's sticking around is because we have 2 weeks to kill before the draft. But here's the kindling for the fire:

Buss wanted to appeal to the nine-time All-Star, reminding him that trades take time to develop and that winning remains the focus of the organization, but Bryant voiced concerns about the direction of the franchise and reiterated his demand to be traded, said a source with knowledge of the situation.

BOTH Chad Ford and Chris Sheridan write new articles about where Kobe could go, and Ford's actually sounds somewhat possible.

He's figured out a 3-way with LA, the Bulls and either Boston or the Bullets. LA would get either Pierce or Arenas, Chicago would get Kobe and give up Tyrus Thomas, PJ, Gordon and the #9 pick.

I still hate Skiles, and don't believe that Paxson is really interested in any big deals. But maybe they could also throw in Skiles and get Phil back??

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